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CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Rafael Fuentes Rojas. Place of Birth: Cautious Christ. Granma. Cuba. Date of Birth: March 23, 1970. ART STUDIES CONDUCTED: -1982 to 1985. Plastic Arts Elementary School. "Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez." Bayamo. Granma. -1985 To 1989. Professional School of Art Holgun Dawn. Holgun. SPECIALTY: - Artist-Illustrator. - Professor of Painting and Drawing. Arts organization - the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC). - Saz Brothers Association. (AHS) SOLO: -1989....
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CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Rafael Fuentes Rojas. Place of Birth: Cautious Christ. Granma. Cuba. Date of Birth: March 23, 1970. ART STUDIES CONDUCTED: -1982 to 1985. Plastic Arts Elementary School. "Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez." Bayamo. Granma. -1985 To 1989. Professional School of Art Holgun Dawn. Holgun. SPECIALTY: - Artist-Illustrator. - Professor of Painting and Drawing. Arts organization - the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC). - Saz Brothers Association. (AHS) SOLO: -1989. "No Title." Tele-Crystal Gale. Holgun. Performance Project. "Symbiosis." Victoria movie theater. Holgun. -1990. "Mediate". Casa de la Cultura. Buey Arriba. Granma. -1995. Personal displays of autumn floods. Universal Art Gallery. Santiago de Cuba. -1997. Also very personal thing Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. -2000. Behind the eyes. Landscape with Ro Galera. BFC. Granma subsidiary. -2002. Revelations. Provincial Council of Plastic Arts. Bayamo. Granma. -2003. Revelations. Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design. Santiago de Cuba. EXHIBITIONS: - 1986. Galley Space. Professional School of Art. Holgun. "Literature in the plastic." Casa de la Cultura. Holgun. - 1987. Galley Space. Professional School of Art. Holgun. Salon "Wifredo Lam." Galera Wifredo Lam. Cacocn. Holgun. "Prize of the City." Provincial Art Center. Holgun. - 1988. "Impact." Galley Space. Professional School of Art. Holgun. "Prize of the City." Provincial Museum. Holgun. Galley Space. Professional School of Art. Holgun. - 1989. Provincial living room. Galera. Moa. Holgun. Cuba. - 1990. V Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "Manuel del Socorro." Bayamo. Granma. VI Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "December 2." Provincial Center Art. Bayamo. Granma. - 1992.VIII Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "December 2." Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. VI "National Award Winning Salon." National Museum, Palace of Fine Arts. Ciudad de La Habana. - 1993.VIII Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "Manuel del Socorro." Bayamo. Granma. Territorial Day XVI Literature and Plastic Arts. "Regino Boti. Guantnamo. XIII Edition of the Caribbean Festival." Caribbean plastic. "Universal Art Gallery. Santiago de Cuba. XV edition of the Caribbean Festival." Caribbean plastic. "Galera East. Santiago de Cuba." For Ac. "Provincial Art Center." Bayamo. Granma .. "Painting the Sky." National Centre for Development of Visual Arts. Havana. IX Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "December 2." Provincial Center Art. Bayamo. Granma. - 1994. IX Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "Manuel del Socorro." Bayamo. Granma. "Young creators." Provincial Art Center Bayamo. Granma. "Young creators." Cuban Festival. Country house. Bayamo. Granma. X Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design "December 2." Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. - 1995. "The other door." Cult of Impressionism. Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. - 1998. Signs of the walls. Provincial Center of Plastic Arts. Santiago de Cuba. - 1999. The Conspiracy of silence. Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. XIII Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design Manuel del Socorro. Bayamo, Granma. XV Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design December 2. Provincial Arts Center. Bayamo. Granma. - 2000. Salon Figuration Critique. La Defense, Paris, France. - 2002. Drawing the line. Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. XVI Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts. Manuel del Socorro. Bayamo Granma. -2003. Lyrical magic of an encounter. Television Serrana. Granma. Between books and painters. Provincial Council of Plastic Arts. Granma. -2004. 19 Artists Granma Provincial Council of Plastic Arts and Galera Municipal Benito Granda. Jiguan.Granma. -2006. Creators Granma Provincial Council of Plastic Arts. Granma AWARDS: - 1990.Premio. V Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "Manuel del Socorro." Bayamo. Granma. Prize. VI Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "December 2." Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. - 1993.Premio. VIII Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "Manuel del Socorro." Bayamo. Granma. Plastic Arts Prize. Territorial Day XIII Literature and Plastic Arts. "Regino Boti." Guantnamo. Prize. IX Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "December 2." Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. Saz Brothers Award Association (AHS). IX Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "December 2." Provincial Art Center. Bayamo. Granma. - 1994. Prize. IX Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. "Manuel del Socorro." Bayamo. Granma. - 1999. Mention. XIII Salon of Plastic Arts and Design. Manuel del Socorro. Bayamo, Granma. UNEAC Award. XIII Salon municipal Manuel del Socorro, Bayamo, Granma. - 2002. Prize. Cuban Cultural Fund. (BFC) XVI Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts. Manuel del Socorro. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba. Mention. XVI Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts. Manuel del Socorro Bayamo. Granma. PASSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY: Heir to the universe. (Interview). Vertex. Supplement The provincial cultural newspaper Demejagua. February 19, 2000. Ao 13. No. 24. Pg 4. To meet the lost word. Orozco Hernandez, Iliana. Semanario La Demajagua, Saturday October 28, 2000, Pg.7. Art is not merely a cry to be hung on the wall. (Interview) The bearded caimn. Ao 33. Edition 300. Pg 28 and 29. A backlight. (Illustrations). Art and Literature Magazine. Ao 1. No. 1. January-February 2001. South window. (Illustrations). Cultural magazine of the province of Granma. Ao 1. No. 2. TEACHING: - 2002 - 2004 Professor of Drawing and Painting Career Academy of Plastic Arts of Bayamo. OTHER: - Make contributions to various literary publications. - Has participated as a juror in the various regional events of Plastic Arts - His works developed in recent years have been donated for various social projects in the country. - Several of his works are in private collections in countries like Puerto Rico, Canady France. Currently residing in the city of Bayamo, Granma province, where as a freelance artist desempea connected to the Association Hermanos Saz (AHS) and the Cuban Cultural Fund (BFC).

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